Every year I have families that ask to include their furry babies in their photos and if I can do that- and that’s a definite yes from me! Most of my favorite locations allow dogs and because I also use locations that are low traffic they also don’t have a lot of distractions.

I find having their dogs can help people relax, and can help kids settle in too and not focus so much on me and the camera. Sometimes it takes a bit for everyone to loosen up and relax and not worry about posing, but having your dog gives you something to focus on instead, and also feels familiar. Now- they can definitely add an element of unpredictability , so it is important to know that going in, but we embrace that! It might mean we need to be more flexible with the scenarios I’m putting you in- there may be more moving around for example- but that can mean we end up doing some great shots we might not have otherwise! Here are some of my favorite examples from sessions with dogs.